Saturday, July 05, 2008

And my World of Warcraft handle is seriously kick-ass, too.

The line between reality and fantasy becomes dangerously nebulous:

Over at Gateway Pundit they're harrumphing and pissing and moaning because President 29% was heckled at a Naturalization ceremony. This naturally led, as such insults to our national character often do, to this delightfully bold assertion of manhood in the comments that contains a multitude of teh funny.


I am not a violent person, nor would I be very good at violence if I were. But if I am ever anywhere that one of these clown shoes pulls a stunt like this, all those hours of watching MMA [mixed martial arts] are finally going to pay off.

And somewhere, Patrick Ross, Richard Evans and Blogging Tory "Neo Conservative" drained their glasses in salute, then slammed their empty bottles to the table and demanded another round of Zimas.

1 comment:

Heathen Mike said...

"...all those hours of watching MMA [mixed martial arts] are finally going to pay off."

So I guess if he's ever walking through a mall and some poor fuck has a heart attack, all those hours of watching Discovery Health will pay off as well. 'Cause, you know, watching is as good as doing.