Maybe he decided to change up his delivery, Dr. Frink. After all, 95% of teh Ass Monkey's posts are full-metal frothfests having to do with Teh Scary Brown Peepelz or Teh Moooooslims.
"garish public displays of anyone's sexual proclivities"... Hmmm. Well, I guess Neo won't be going to Mardi Gras anytime soon. Or Las Vegas, for that matter.
Conservatives... they're kinda hypocritical that way.
RT is right.. garish displays of sexuality should remain in airport bathrooms, sleazy hotels and the back of the vestry, the way Conservatives like it.
I'll give him a stand-up triple on the scorecard. He forgot to mention Teh Scary Brown Peepelz or Teh Moooooslims.
We can still give him a bit of time, though.
Maybe he decided to change up his delivery, Dr. Frink. After all, 95% of teh Ass Monkey's posts are full-metal frothfests having to do with Teh Scary Brown Peepelz or Teh Moooooslims.
You'd think he'd be freaking out about this!
"garish public displays of anyone's sexual proclivities"... Hmmm. Well, I guess Neo won't be going to Mardi Gras anytime soon. Or Las Vegas, for that matter.
Conservatives... they're kinda hypocritical that way.
RT is right.. garish displays of sexuality should remain in airport bathrooms, sleazy hotels and the back of the vestry, the way Conservatives like it.
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