Saturday, June 07, 2008

Hoping they might take a hint is probably asking too much.

Blogging Tory "Reid" is clearly nonplussed when he learns that, unlike his BT colleagues, those shrieking, moonbat leftards are apparently capable of polite and civil discourse -- even when Reid insists on being an asshole:

Giving credit where credit is due

I've never hid my extreme dislike for all things Trudeaupian, so when I came across this post at ChuckerCanuck regarding Justin Trudeau's new website I couldn't resist going to it and asking Justin a smarmy question.

To Justin's credit he published my question and answered it. While he did edit the question, as I said I was being smarmy, he maintained the spirit of what I had asked. And he answered it well. So kudos for that.

Check back in tomorrow, when Reid will have dismissed this puzzling civility as a mere aberration, and resumed believing that all liberals are frothing, deranged, socialist baby killers. Or whatever phrase the kids are using these days.

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