Blogging Tory Jonathan Strong misses the mark just a wee bit:
Hillary Clinton finally endorses Obama after "suspending" her campaign for the Democratic nomination. I suspect she hasn't ended her campaign just in case some bombshell drops, like maybe a video of Michelle Obama using the word "whitey" beside Louis Farrakhan. For now, that's just a rumor and I doubt that it is true.
Um .. no, Jonathan, there's a simpler reason: as long as Hillary's campaign is still officially going, she can legally continue to raise money to pay off her campaign debts.
You know, I really hate it when I have to explain American politics to people who live in the U.S. There's something just plain wrong about that.
P.S. And about that Michelle Obama "Whitey" video, Jonathan? I wouldn't be holding out any hope of that puppy surfacing any time soon. But feel free to drop by whenever you need to be informed. Always glad to help.
BONUS NAD-SMACKING: Regarding the alleged Michelle Obama "Whitey" video, one Larry Johnson over at "No Quarter" is now finding out the hard way that, when you make accusations like that, you are going to get bitch-slapped in a big way when you can't produce. And the back-pedaling is now going full-throttle (weaselly ratfuck emphasis added):
The recording that shows Michelle Obama saying disparaging things about white folks is for real. It is not part of some elaborate dirty trick. The people who have seen her comments describe it as “stunning” or “devastating.” I have not spoken directly with the people who have seen the tape, but I have spoken to two of my friends who are friends with those who watched the tape/dvd.
Are they playing me? No, but it is a valid question to ask.
Another valid question to ask would be, when are the Obamas going to sue that weaselly little ratfuck Johnson for libel?
Not surprisingly, TBogg weighs in. And for fans of brevity, well, you're not going to do any better than this.
The Canadian Cynic crew: Describing people as retarded, pathological liars and weaselly little ratfucks whenever we feel like it, and still lawsuit free. How do we do it?
How do we do it?
Ooh! I know! Pick me! Ummm ... 'cause we're not mouthbreathing, hypocritical, lying retards?
Ex-squeeze-me, but isn't this the same fatuous asshole that was over at the Nexus of Idiocy this morning claiming to be so fabulously well-informed about American politics, democracy and such?
So therefore, his automatic assumption about the reason why Clinton would suspend her campaign (as is pretty much par for the course for the legal/fundraising reasons you state) is because she hopes for some nefarious bombshell to explode... Uh-huh.
Nice tin-foil hat, Jon. What an goofball.
"And for fans of brevity, well, you're not going to do any better than this."
un. be. fucking. lievable.
at least none of them wrote he word "fuck", huh?
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