Thursday, August 07, 2008

"... and in conclusion, God hates you all."

Dear Bible thumpers: These people belong to you. Never forget that: You created them. You own them. They're all yours. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Weren't these losers turned away at the border last time they tried this shit?

Seriously... Inbreeding, not just for the KKK anymore now is it?

(These clowns are no more representative of Christians then al'Qaeda is representative of Muslims... They ignore (like all fundamentalists do) several key teachings, like "... do unto others, as you would do unto yourself.")

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

...of course, you didn't see this from poor, penniless me...

From a message board I frequent...


Knew it was the Westboro Baptist Church before I clicked on the link. Rev. Phelps and his ilk are charlatans and frauds. Their congregation is not affiliated with any known Baptist institution or association and is believed to have a following of between 70 and 150 members, many of whom are related to Fred Phelps. Instead of having a legitimate theological motivation, the primary aim of the group is to protest in accordance to their first amendment rights and bring litigation to anyone or any group that disrupts those protests.

What many people don't understand is that Phelps runs a charted law firm and brings legal action against almost anyone who denies them their rights of free speech or speaks falsely about their organisation. In the past decade alone, Phelps and Co. have made a small fortune in this manner. Any member of the media who makes even the smallest misquote or gives a negative opinion about Phelps and the church are immediately slapped with litigation.

Almost everyone who have had to deal with these people directly all agree that their organisation is a sham that is run only to create venues for successful litigation.

Cash -> That is crazy! So the motivation is pure greed? In many ways that is far more sick then what appears to be on the surface.

Where did you find out about the law firm?


Phelps himself was actually disbarred fom practising in Kansas in 1979 but continued to practise in Federal Courts until 1989 when he agreed to stop practising altogether as part of a settlement of a complaint lodged against him.

I've been able to get quite a bit of info from a friend who works for a small TV broadcaster in the US that had Phelps on their new program several times in the past. He told me straight-up about how Phelps dealt with the media and their detractors. Technically, it's all legal, but they literally have a group of church members that go over interviews, protests, and editorials with a fine-toothed comb. Whenever they spot anything that could be brought to court over, they flag it and pass it over to the law office, which is now run by five of his sons and daughters.


I'm just sayin'...

A true case, perhaps, of not feeding the trolls... so to speak.

Niles said...

Heck, I think they should be allowed into Canada...just once. And publicized and publicized and publicized. And then see how much support McVety and fellow travellers get. Since they aren't going to get far suing people in Canada and likely could get themselves arrested.

But it's nice to know they're so powerful that God will arrange a tragic murder for them to exploit.

Biiiig selling point to that God I must say.

Anonymous said...

I knew about the lawsuits. I did not know that they would be this organised.

I wonder if anyone has ever considered suing these clowns for libel and slander? A lot of the garbage that they freely put on signs could loosely be considered slander. I mean, if they get away with such specious allegations, why should someone else not take advantage of it?

Corey said...

The topic will be discussed on the local radio station on Friday at 10 a.m.

Anonymous said...

But....But....they're not really christians? No different than any of the many frauds bilking millions from stupid people via the airwaves and the many churches around the globe. Funny thing is, their message of hate is no different than any "judeo-christian" they just don't sugar coat it in dishonest code like pro-family/pro-life and all the other related bullshit.

James Bow said...

No, CC, I have to disagree with you there. These guys have rather explicitly disassociated themselves from all other Christian Churches, and famously made a break from the Southern Baptist Convention early on in their growing Jonestown-esque delusions. Apparently, the SBC was too lenient on homosexuals... :-/

James Bow said...

Hey, DoubleDeckerBusGuy, I didn't know about that litigation thing. And, scary though it is to consider, that makes all of this even worse.

The daughter, who seems to be taking over the spokesman duties from Fred himself, says she rejoices to hear how her family is one of the most hated in America. That sounds almost like a Jerry Springer syndrome: rejoicing in being bad.

Friends of mine, who had a friend of theirs hard done by by Jehovah Witnesses once got back at that church by decorating their worship hall for Christmas (Jehovah Witnesses think celebrating Christmas is a sin). I wish we could do something similar. These guys like being hated? Well, I'd seriously think about organizing a drive to flood the church with flowers, with the message: "God loves everyone. Even you."

But as a Christian, CC, I don't own these guys. Please don't link me to them. These guys are not Christians in even the broadest sense of the word. Indeed, I'm pretty sure they're going to Hell.