Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Looks like one of Big Daddy’s merry band of micromanaged mouthbreathers has strayed off the reservation.

You know ... somebody should really let Ken Epp know that the oh-so-appropriately-named Art Hanger is selling his Unborn Victims of Crime Bill as a backdoor attempt to subvert abortion rights in Canada. I’m sure Ken’s going to be totally pissed about that. Seriously. There might even be harsh language.

H/T to JJ and Dave.


Greg Fingas said...

On the contrary: Epp himself couldn't avoid attacking Chief Justice McLachlin's impartiality based on the appointment. If anybody's going to be irritated, it'll be Harper - but this may be one issue where his socon MPs won't stand to be reined in.

Reality Bites said...

I'm sure nothing would make Harper happier than to have them not run for re-election.

Having them resign in protest would improve his image even more. Being denounced by them is the best endorsement he could have.

JJ said...

Both Hanger and Epp announced last year that they aren't running for re-election, so I expect lots more pearls of wisdom to drop from their gaping mouths in the future. Hah!

Dave said...

It will be interesting to see who or what replaces them. I doubt there will be much of an ideological change... unless Harper and Co. start meddling in riding association politics. And we all know what he had to say about that... when other parties did it.

Ti-Guy said...

Both Hanger and Epp announced last year that they aren't running for re-election

I did not know that.

What is it with the abandonment of the principle of "bowing out gracefully?" These people must really be bitter.

Look what you've done to these ugly, angry, stupid men, Harpy, you martinet. Poor ol' Vic Toews wallowing in adultery, divorce and an out-wedlock pregancy, John Baird hiding his sexual orientation behind every all-you-can-eat buffet in Ottawa, Pierre Poilièvre's acne vulgaris flaring up again...

It's tragic, really.

Reality Bites said...

John Baird hiding his sexual orientation behind every all-you-can-eat buffet in Ottawa

In all fairness, ti-guy, that's pretty the only part of him that can hide behind a buffet.

Mike said...

There are rumours that best buddies Pierre and John comfort each other during these tense times....

I'll bet that wedding would be wilder than Helena and Rahim's...