Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dear Patsy: Here's $250 to shut the fuck up.

Well, no, not exactly, but close enough. Here's Axis of Douchebaggery's Patrick Ross -- disengaging himself from Werner Patels' nether regions just long enough to write something typically stupid:

Um... yes. Yes, [CC] is. A pathological liar, but that's no surprise. Most sociopaths are.

One might challenge Patsy to provide a single data point of evidence to back up that fantastic assertion but, really, that would be a waste of time. So I'll make Patsy the same offer I made to the Politic's "Spanky" not that long ago:

If Aaron can find a single post in which I made a factually incorrect claim that I didn't publicly correct once it was pointed out to me, I will donate a cool $100 to the local charity of his choice...

It's been several hours and, curiously, The Politic's Aaron Unruh still hasn't popped by to provide an inarguable example of dishonesty on my part in all my years of blogging. Perhaps he needs more incentive. $200, Aaron. A cool $200 to the charity of your choice.

Come on, Spanky ... here's your chance to put me in my place. How can you possibly resist?

And, as of this moment, the offer is now $250.

So there you go, Patsy, you rancid little twerp. If I'm such a "pathological" liar, surely you can find a single example out of my 7,000+ posts in which I am clearly dissembling, no? Oh, and this same challenge is open to Raphael Alexander as well -- a single post of mine in which I am clearly making a claim that is obviously false, and for which I issue no immediate correction or retraction when it's pointed out to me.

Let's go, boys ... money, mouth ... you know how that ends, right?

, if one wants to know the kind of ethical douchebaggery I'd accept as evidence, well, it might look something like this. Just in case you were curious.


Patrick Ross said...

Pay up, Cynic.

CC said...

Apparently, Patsy, you skipped over the part where you're supposed to actually produce a response to my challenge. You know ... with supporting evidence and everything.

Simply toddling in and announcing, "I win," doesn't quite cut it.

Patrick Ross said...

You mean like I did here?

Unless your under-powered brain can't quite figure it out.

Or you were lying again. Then again, that really wouldn't surprise either of us, would it?

KEvron said...

i smell desperation.

oh, it's just twatrick....


Frank Frink said...

Patsy wrong again?

I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked!