Saturday, June 02, 2007


Canada's Lowest Common Denominatrix™ suddenly needs a change of underwear:

"According to NewsChannel4's Jonathan Dienst, sources said federal investigators have made arrests in an alleged terror plot on Kennedy Airport. Four people have been charged. One is in custody in New York. Three suspects in total are in custody. One is still at large.

"According to sources, the suspects have been identified as: Russell Defreitas, Abdul Nur, Kareem Ibrihim and Abdul Kadir.


"Sources said the plot involved a plan to blow up a jet-fuel pipeline at JFK setting off a potential massive explosion.

On the other hand, back in the real world:

... Homeland Security sources said the airport is not under threat and that the attack as planned was "not technically feasible."

... Rep. Peter King, R-New York, said law enforcement had had the plot "under control" for some time.

... Another law enforcement official said the plot was never "fully operational."

And yet, one can still detect the faint aroma of fear-loaded urine wafting in from the general direction of Delisle, Saskatchewan ...

1 comment:

Ti-Guy said...

It's all an act. KKKate isn't really a fear-besotted hysteric; she's just a white supremacist who wants brown people to be locked up. She figures if we start with the Ay-rabs, we'll eventually get to FN people, who pose some sort of existential threat to her.