Sunday, August 17, 2008

Slapping the crap out of Kathy Shaidle.

JJ puts it nicely, but we're not done here. As we here at CC HQ have pointed out on occasion (and I believe I was the first to notice it), Kathy is still lying about the basis for her current legal problems:

Um ... no, Kathy, you are not being sued for criticizing Canada's HRCs. You are (as far as I know) being sued for libelling Richard Warman, which is most emphatically not the same thing. And as others have suggested, this may in fact represent soliticing under false pretenses. Or, for brevity, fraud.

Now, I am not a lawyer so I have no idea if this scam of Kathy's is legally actionable, but it shouldn't be hard to find out, and here's how we do it. Since Kathy is currently located in Toronto (right?), I propose that Toronto folks make a small donation to Kathy's fund. No, seriously, put some cash in her tip jar -- five or 10 bucks will do. And make sure you print off a receipt for it.

At that point, take her to small claims court to get your money back.

Yes, I'm dead serious. One after another, let's have people in the appropriate vicinity contribute to Kathy's defense, then sue her to get that money back because Kathy's misrepresenting her situation. And drag her sorry, racist ass into small claims over and over and over and ... well, you get the idea. And so what if you lose? It's only a few bucks, and it will drive her absolutely bugfuck before long.

And, yes, I am a thoroughly evil man. To the right people.

P.S. Yes, I realize there are logistical difficulties with the above but it would be so much fun.

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