... just a little closer:
Blogging Tory and Stephen Taylor intellectual compatriot "Neo Conservative" takes a break from twiddling the dials on his police scanner and celebrating the murders of minorities in Toronto to ... oh, Christ, you're just going to have to read it for yourself:
Tonight though, I'd just like to ask the Cynic how it is exactly... he came to be riding on the coat-tails of the person who apparently claimed ownership of the blog "Canadian Cynic" back in 2005.
Blah blah blah ... much worthless pondering over a blog named "canadiancynic.com", and then this:
I mean, isn't this person, who also apparently and co-incidentally, resides in the Waterloo, Ontario area... concerned about having his blog name pirated and used so cavalierly over on Blogger?
I know I would be.
It's getting a little late tonight, so maybe there's some sort of explanation that eludes weary old me... but perhaps tomorrow, with the help of Google cache, we can explore this puzzle a little more.
You do that, Neo. And perhaps when you track down "sjwalter" (who I have, in fact, exchanged an email with after a wildly coincidental registration of two blogs using that same catchphrase and, yes, I was first :-), you can get Twatrick Ross on the case, and he can track down this person and post a picture of the roof of their house or something, and then you can apply to NAMBLA Dick for his $750 reward, and maybe if you become really and truly harassing to that person, a restraining order might be in your future but, please, don't let me stop you. Just keep me posted on your progress. I need the entertainment.
And, no, we're not quite done here.
Ah, Neo — forever putting the "stupid" into the expression "stupid dumbfuck"... Or is it...? Oh, never mind. We'd have to get the unimaginable Mrs. Neo in to answer that one.
Anyway, speaking of stupid, I love the comment from that miserable cow "Mary T" who writes "I think she turned that phrase, he protests too much, around to She supports too much." Gosh, what clever thinking went into that little phlegm ball.
Peter: "Hey Brian, if cops are pigs, does that make you a Snausage?"
Brian: "Good one, Peter. Did you stay up all night thinking of that one?"
Peter: "Naw, I got to bed around 2, 2:30."
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