Saturday, June 07, 2008

Mea Culpa

I would like to issue a formal apology. In the few moments since posting the challenging video below, I have come to realize that it might be misconstrued as an attempt to make mockery of the developmentally handicapped. That is not and never was my intention. Thus I apologize as it was deeply inconsiderate of me to insult these persons by comparing them to the exclusive Patrick Ross.


Ti-Guy said...

Oh, please. Like those 'tards are ever going to find out about this.


Red Tory said...

Your preemptive disclaimer notwithstanding, I fully expect a righteously indignant "lecture" to be shortly forthcoming from the Nexus of Dough...

Sheena said...

Oh please. Like those 'tar...

Never mind. Move along. Nothing to see here.

ronditlesauvage said...

PSA, thanks for the apology - I don't bother about the language on the site, by and large, that's the shtick here, but I have politely reminded CC before that it's pretty low to use derogatory and terms for the developmentally challenged, ie "retards", in your commentary. I don't think any of you would actually call someone with a developmental disability a "retard." But it really needs to be dropped from common use as a term of disrespect. Your mother taught you that, in all likelihood.
I am a little appalled at your use of this video clip, and you are right to apologise. But even better, why don't you do something positive for kids and adults with disabiilties on your bit of this blog, to make up for your insult. Just look at the joy and energy and affection you see in that video... give it a new caption, maybe.
Don't take this gentle reprimand as a condemnation of your general efforts here, though. Keep up the good work - but if you felt it appropriate to drop some of the name-calling, I'd approve.
Oh, and BTW, tiguy, that comment above wasn't funny either. I hope the 'tards don't find out, cause it would be hurtful, but sometimes the 'tards have friends and relations who can be hurt as well.

KEvron said...

"Your mother taught you that, in all likelihood."

my mother taught me "stupid cunt" and "dumbfuck", but "retard" i learned at school.


KEvron said...

btw, does this mean we can't make fun of twatsie's sansabelts?

KEvron, dumbfuck

Ti-Guy said...

Ron manifests the kind of liberal fascism that actually exists. The authoritarianism that is compelled to police other people's language.

Listen, Ron...I know a few people who work in group homes for the developmentally disabled. They themselves use the word 'tard (in private of course). It's not the worse thing they have to deal with.

I've heard kids throw around "What are you, developmentally disabled?" as an insult. You're never going to force people to be civil by policing their language.

It just doesn't work that way. All that does is make people confused about what language is currently "correct" to the point that no one can say anything at all.