Friday, June 06, 2008

How dare you!

Using a confessional for heterosexual sex. Why, the nerve!


The Seer said...

I am offended by this link and this post.

I thot we had established in 1998, or shortly thereafter, that so-called "oral sex" does not qualify as "having sex" even if done in a sacred place, such as the oval office. Apparently some of us have not gotten the message.

Red Tory said...

Maybe I'm a prude, but that's in very poor taste and needlessly offensive.

Chimera said...

Quid pro quo? Keep the church out of their sex lives and they'll keep their sex lives out of the church?

Red Tory said...

Yes, yes... I get it. However, my residual sense of "propriety" recoils at this.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... Slight fantasy thing going on there. Add in a red head or two and bang!...

Damn, I guess I am burning in hell.

(what, you didn't think I was religious did you?)

I'm ith the poster above. If the church did a better job of staying out of our bedrooms, I would be more prone to take offense. But sense they don't, let them gnash their teeth.

(Aren't confessionals unique to Catholics? I was raised one, and I honestly do not know.)

Red Tory said...

High Anglican is essentially the same as Catholic in all superficial respects, so yes, we have confessionals. But this isn't an issue of religion. It's more a matter of taste, manners and civility.

KEvron said...

heh. "bad taste"! seriously, though, pretty reprehensible behavior.

"If the church did a better job of staying out of our bedrooms"

i've never once noticed any member (!) of any church in my bedroom. tit for tat doesn't apply here.
