Monday, June 09, 2008

Apparently, "law and order" is context dependent.

Shorter Blogging Tories: "Due process is only for white people."

Shorter Canadian whingers
: "'Kangaroo courts' are an appalling travesty of justice only when they happen to white people."


Cameron Campbell said...

How is supporting this farce even remotely Canadian?

Let's assume for even one second that the following contains an equivalency (which it doesn't because I'm not about to convey state like status to an extra-state militia/terrorist group, also Khadr is a child soldier):

How would everyone feel if a Canadian Forces member was being held, treated and then tried in exactly the same way?

We'd freak. They'd be on the news every night, first story. The DND, the CF and Foreign Affairs would basically have as their only mission the release and repatriation of the CF member.

Now I'm not saying that the Khadr family are nice. I think the adults should be charged with something and either jailed or deported (or both). I'm not even sure that Omar is salvageable like some of the people who work with him believe he is (though I bow to their expertise) but I don't care.

That he is still being held is outrageous. That two successive governments have done nothing about it sickens me. That he's being tried by a a kangaroo court (a real one, not a HRC - right wing cry babies should probably take note of the difference, they won't but they should) is disgusting.

Romantic Heretic said...

Sigh. I'm no longer even slightly surprised by the behavior of fanatics on any spot of the political spectrum.