Via Canada's favourite IDiot Denyse O'Leary, we learn that there is a whole book devoted to the unfortunates who have had their dreams vanquished and academic careers crushed simply because ... um, because ... well, because they're scientific illiterates:
Biochemist Jerry Bergman has a new book coming out called Slaughter of the Dissidents. Edited by the able Cameron Wybrow of Niagara Falls and published by Kevin Wirth, it's Bergman's research over many years on scientists who encountered trouble or harassment for doubting Darwin.
Yes, pity the poor folk who run into conflict in the scientific arena because they're total retards when it comes to science. Who would have guessed? But hark! What's this? Freebies?
For a limited time, you can get a free chapter here (scroll down).
Hey, that works for me; I am all over free stuff like Richard Evans on a "Gap for Kids" underwear ad. But hark! (Again.) What's this?

Well, that's kind of annoying -- I was hoping for a simple downloadable PDF file or something similar. But fine -- fill in the appropriate information for Chez CC, wait several seconds, and ... huh?

Whoa, whoa, whoa! I did not request information that "included" a bonus chapter -- all I wanted was the chapter, thank you very much. Just another typical ID bait-and-switch so, thanks, but I'll pass on this one. I'll just wait for that sorry excuse for killing more trees to appear in the $1.99 remainder bin at my local car wash. It shouldn't take long.
Ugh. Just another scuzzy direct marketing technique to get people signed up to their mailing list. And who knows what the hell they'll do with that...
Very deceptive and unethical. Just as one would expect from this crowd.
I love this bit from DenyseBlog #9883477:
The only exception is for admittedly irrational views, protected as a sort of exotic species of thought. That is, you we be under less suspicion if you argued that tarot cards are personally meaningful to you on account of your cultural background than if you argued that the universe shows detectible evidence of fine tuning.
Except, Deceivin' Denyse...the Tarot card discussion wouldn't normally be brought up in biology.
Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar....
*deep breath*
...liar, liar, liar...
From the book's site:
Here's you can get a free chapter of this book in just two minutes from now!
Given the site author's failure to achieve even a glancing familiarity with the English language, I'm guessing the book must be just a rip-roarin' read.
Btw, CC, books have to be far less shitty than this one to make it to the $1.99 rack at the car wash. Car washes have standards, y'know. Unlike, say, ID enthusiasts.
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