Over at the Delisle Hermann Goering Appreciation Society and Bratwurst Tent, Kate McMillan is so not happy with others playing fast and loose with the facts:

We will, of course, wait on tenterhooks until Kate holds her own panty-moistening milblogger hero Michael Yon up to the same laudable standards.
And, yes, Kate really does love herself some Michael Yon. Accuracy is optional.
Nothing like KKKate's minions to suck the humour out of everything. They're all over there, trying to outdo each other in contest to coming with different versions of "libranos."
...and I see Kathy Shaidle has joined to create the usual racist harridan two-way.
each other in contest to coming with different versions
*yeesh*...to come up with...
If the shoe was on the other foot, they'd think it was the funniest prank, ever! Hypocritical gits.
CC = Canadian Coward
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