Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dear Sandy: What the fuck?

We're nowhere near done with pathological, right-wing hack Sandy Crux and her list of alleged CPoC "accomplishments" but, while the coffee is brewing, we can give her a quick ass-paddling in public for more ignorant, propagandistic fuckery here:

Having watched these videos several times now, I have an idea. Someone could make a single “Highlights” YouTube video of the same Stephen Harper speech, but this time just superimpose exactly what Harper is promising. For example, if the PM said “we will cut the GST from 7% to 6% and then to 5%,” we could superimpose that with ”the government DID cut the GST from 7% to 5%.” And, so on. I think it would be very powerful and proof positive that the Conservative government, unlike Stephane Dion, “DID GET IT DONE.”

Here's a thought, Sandy -- perhaps Stephane Dion DIDN'T GET IT DONE simply because, unlike Stephen Harper and his gang of neo-con fuckwits, he's never led the governing party of Canada. Or is that difference a little too far beyond your intellectual grasp?

What a fucking retard.


Red Tory said...

So, now the Crock-O-the-Matter is conjuring up propaganda films for the Dear Leader? I thought she purported to be a "citizen journalist" not a freelance shill for the government. What a pathetic joke.

Ti-Guy said...

"Some pseudonymous maybe you MaryT or maybe you, AlbertaGirl...could make a single “Highlights” YouTube video of the same Stephen Harper speech, but this time just superimpose exactly what Harper is promising, thus enabling me, a known, named and credentialed personality with a semblance of a reputation to protect to distance herself from an embarrasingly low piece of trashy propaganda. Email me privately if there are any difficulties related to technical issues or resources..*wink wink*"


Patrick Ross said...

Or, maybe, Dion was Minister of the Environment and responsible for implementing Kyoto.

Seems simple enough, doesn't it, children?

Mike said...

Lets just call her "Leni" from now on.

Patsy, most of the things Dion had passed during his time as Minister were immediately undone in the Spring of 2006 by the Cons and then poorly imitated by Baird in 2007.

But why bother with things like history when the mullet meets greasing...

Ti-Guy said...

Seems simple enough, doesn't it, children?


Uh, this isn't one of your "social networking" sites, Twatsy.

Cameron Campbell said...

Something that no one has pointed out yet... how many of Harper's promises are over a 10 - 20 year horizon?

Many of the environmental plans are stretched out that way, or, better yet, voluntary and put together with "industry input".

Patrick Ross said...

"Patsy, most of the things Dion had passed during his time as Minister were immediately undone in the Spring of 2006 by the Cons and then poorly imitated by Baird in 2007."

You mean the streamlined versions of those programs, in which up to 70 cents on the dollar wasn't being spent on administration?

You either need to start wearing a helmet when you ride your motorcycle, or wear a looser one so some oxygen can get where you need it to go.

Is that thing a hybrid, by the way, mr environmentalist?

Francis Walsingham said...

CC = Canadian Coward