Minister Ritz' responded with the quote of the year, "When we come back with a majority, then all bets are off."

Thanks for making that clear Gerry. It should be noted that Gerry hails from a sleepy little town called Delisle, famous spawning ground for intellectual roadkill and the home the Canadian right's most hawtest bigot (and she's like got a bike which is so wicked).
Let's not forget these words any time soon:
"When we come back with a majority, then all bets are off."
I'm sure L'il Evil Stevie will be so not impressed by this policy disclosure that he'll poop in one of Stockie's wet suits. L'il Evil doesn't like his agenda being exposed and waggled about for all the world to see. After all, what's the point of having a malicious and destructive master plan when some manure huffer with chromosomal damage let's one slip in public. The halls of the Pictures of Stevie, er, Parliament will no doubt ring with the squeals of the minister as Stevie and his pet bully boy Baird paddle his fanny. Conservatives understand that discipline comes from the business end of a paddle. They's funny that way.

Somebody won't be a happy L'il fella...
"When we come back with a majority, then all bets are off."
Yeah Gerry, that's what I thought you said.
(miniStevie pic swipe from Treehugger)
L'il Evil Stevie
Sweeeeeet new name for Big Daddy, PSA.
Delisle again? I had a friend in university from Saskatoon who was making all of these vague warnings when Reform started rolling eastward that there were a lot more cretinous rednecks in Saskatchewan that we were led to believe. Maybe she was thinking of Delisle, specifically.'s a dot with about 800 people. I say we roll in a few canisters of c-20 and nerve gas the whole fucking nest.
...ha ha ha. Polemics 'r fun!
Is that one of those things what's-her-cunt said everyone should be proud the government has done for us? Vague threats and ineffectual corrupt leadership...such a wonderful combination.
*cue Dueling Banjos*
PSA, that's the funniest thing I've read all day.
"..and nerve gas the whole fucking nest."'s the only way to be sure.
It's late, that's my excuse for -
From what they chuckleheads on MDL were saying this afternoon, the BQ is already busy campaigning on the sole plank of "A vote for us is the only way to stop a Harper majority." Go Bloc!
Isn't it sad that we have to cheer on the separatists at this point to ensure that the CPOC doesn't get a chance to make good on it's "All Bets Are Off" threat...
Why oh Why did the Liberals go with Stephan Dion?
There are plenty of days when I ask myself the same question. Unfortunately, the alternatives all had their own unique but serious drawbacks.
Would this mean that Mr. Ritz is a cracker?
Isn't it sad that we have to cheer on the separatists at this point to ensure that the CPOC doesn't get a chance to make good on it's "All Bets Are Off" threat...
As far as I'm concerned, the CPC is separatist as well. Their vision of the country only includes a sliver of the Canadian polity, after all.
I know everyone here is trying to channel their "inner Swift", but the [joking?] suggestion of gassing Delisle is only leading credence to my suggestion that certain parts of the blogosphere are not known for good sense.
It kind of reminds you who you're dealing with, doesn't it?
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