Tuesday, February 26, 2008

There’s this nifty new thing called teh Google …

Canada’s Best Blogger™, having exhausted her supply of Holocaust jokes, attempts to once again score cheap points against the great Global Warming Conspiracy. Unfortunately, in her oh-so-pathetic effort to be witty, she somehow confuses the term Gaia with Giai.

And when I say somehow, I actually mean big fucking surprise that KKKate is both lazy and stupid.


E in MD said...

And dyslexic.

Ti-Guy said...

Someone just happened to be filming that wind turbine, in a sustained manner, before it blew apart?

I could go all CSI: Special Wingnut Unit here and start "analysing" (ie, typing about) the evidence here forensically, but I'm sure I've got better things to do.

liberal supporter said...

What blew apart?

Red Tory said...

LS — More at my place here. It should explain things for you.

liberal supporter said...

Again, Catherine displays a profound lack of understanding of technical matters. Or simply willful ignorance.

If you can view .ogg movies, take a look at this. The Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge collapsed in 1940. It is required viewing for all engineering students. Suspension bridges have been built from the 3rd century BC, though modern ones of the Tacoma Narrows variety had only been built for over a hundred years at the time. Still, this one collapsed. The Golden Gate Bridge, a suspension bridge built three years earlier still stands.

How is a wind turbine catastrophic failure indicative of anything but design errors, unforeseen conditions and possible "low bid" shoddiness?

Kind of like those old movies of flying contraptions that don't get off the ground. I'm sure that Catherine therefore never travels on aeroplanes because of those early failures.

Catherine of course doesn't need to worry about aeroplanes, as she can still rely on her trusty broomstick.

Lindsay Stewart said...

yes, leave us remain nestled safely in the arms of perfectly safe and proven energies, like coal. and oil, nobody's ever had an accident mining coal or drilling for oil. let alone shipping the stuff, i mean who's ever heard of an accident with an oil tanker or a pipeline? jeez. and hey what about nuclear energy, sure it gets a bad rap, being radioactive and all. but golly, has there ever been an accident or failure in a nuclear plant, why surely not and what if there was, four legged chickens just means extra drumsticks.

liberal supporter said...

Yes, for a telling contrast, search "Chernobyl" on youtube. On those videos you will find plenty of "it was the crappy Russian engineering" memes. Why don't we hear "crappy Danish engineering" on this wind turbine?

KEvron said...

"Why don't we hear 'crappy Danish engineering' on this wind turbine?"

because we like danes because they publish funny cartoons. duh....


catnip said...

What's her point?

Sorry, moot question.

Chimera said...

"If you can view .ogg movies..."

Ah, good ol' Galloping Gertie! If you can't view .ogg movies, watch the YouTube version (complete with histrionic narrative).

Jay McHue said...

she somehow confuses the term Gaia with Giai.

What? You mean like when you confused this child:


With this one:
