Thursday, February 28, 2008

Since you can never have too much crazy ...

Shorter Canadian Sentinel: Why is the Homofascist lobby going after the Boy Scouts for not allowing gays to be scout leaders? They don’t seem to have any problem with teh Mooozlimz!1!1!!1! -- and they want to kill gay people! The Boy Scouts don’t want to kill gay people ... at least I don’t think they do. Homofascists are such poopy-heads.


Ti-Guy said...

Yuck, yuck, yuck. The real downside to observing the lowest of the low among the Blogging Tories is that you end up following links to their commenters' own blogs...such as this one...belonging to disturbingly crazy people located in areas with cheap booze, poor nutrition, little gun control and no free (mental) health care, who are unduly focused on negroes, muzzie, homos, child-rapers, and the redemptive and transcendental power of Jesus Christ the Lord.

You have to wonder how they come across bloggers like Scenty.

Red Tory said...

Quite the frightening bunch, aren't they?