Thursday, February 14, 2008

One of these things is not like the others ...

Blogging Tory "Neo Conservative", Part I: "Yeah, a bunch of people Tasered to death ... whatever. Get over it.".

Blogging Tory "Neo Conservative", Part II: "OHMIGODOHMIGODOHMIGOD ... SHRIEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!!".

One wonders what's so different about that second incident. Whatever could it be? Give it time, it'll come to you.


Diane Demorney said...

I know! I know! (DD jumping up and down excitedly)...

If I guess right, do I win a prize?

In the second instance the alleged perpetrator happens to have a Muslim name!

So obviously, it's okay to kill people as long as you're not Muslim!

So, CC, will you be my valentine? heee.

Ti-Guy said...

Ok, so the score is now:

CC: 1
Cadademia: 2,593

Unknown said...

Wow... for someone that accuses YOU of hypocrisy, CC, this guy certainly walks THAT particular walk... excessively so...
Colour me surprised... (not...)
And speaking of excesses... after forcing myself to read a little more of his clap-trap than you linked in your post (and then after washing my hands of the slimy film), I was awe-struck by the horrendous amount of narcissism!
Seriously! HOW many times can one guy link to his OWN BLOG?!?
At least some people we know (kudos, CC!) put up external links to support their personal opinions... and maybe even back their words up with a few facts...
Tell me ALL the Blues aren't like that... and then tell me HOW the flaming hell they got elected...?

Raphael Alexander said...

This just in... it wasn't Omar Sharef Hassan, 29, it was a man named Michael Smith, 24. The victim was actually Abdul Khalil Abduraham, 29. The Sun regrets the error.

James Bow said...

Sorry, Raphael, but... what?!

Raphael Alexander said...

Sorry, James. Conservatives suck at subtle humour.

CC's point was a white guy got hit and run by an Arab, so Neo's all over it. So I made up a fake alternate story that wouldn't get any blogging time... get it? Ha.. ha... urrrr

Don said...

Am I fucked up, or has Neo developed a serious man-crush on you?

Fuck me gently. Beyond creepy.

Patrick Ross said...

And then there's this.

So I think we all know where you can stick your concern about tasers, hypocrite.

CC said...

Poor Patsy ... still struggling with the concept of an "analogy." What do they teach at the U of Alberta these days?

I'd be asking for a refund.

Patrick Ross said...

No, I understand analogy.

I just expect them to make sense.

Is this really considered a defense for hypocrisy?