Monday, August 20, 2007

Cormac Ignatieff: The reckoning.

Go. Read.


Unknown said...

It's really really horrible, to read that. I hadn't realized Ignatieff was pretending to change his tune like that. What a snake.

His comment that those of us who opposed the aggression against Iraq were operating based on ideology (which implies we were therefore merely lucky to have gotten it right) is particularly odious. He deceptively pretends we had no FACTS at our disposal (can anyone say "Hans Blix," for example??).

Whereas it was the right-wingnuts who barrelled in full steam ahead, based entirely on ideology while the rest of us were pointing at the facts and SCREAMING at them, warning them what would happen. And lo and behold -- their ideology failed, and our fact-based protests turned out to be correct.

Which Ignatieff ignores with magnificent determination.

Snake. Absolute snake.

(In fact, when I heard that my own provincial representative -- George Smitherman -- was working so hard behind the scenes at the Liberal leadership convention, to manipulate Ignatieff into winning, I immediately notified his office that I would never vote for him again, ever, period, for any reason, under any circumstances. Funny I've never gotten a response...)

Ti-Guy said...

I think the consensus among elite opinion and thoughtful thinkers in Canada is that Ignatieff's mea culpa did himself even more damage; I can't believe how insensate Ignatieff continues to be.

I give the Liberals credit for closing ranks against him when it counted.