Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"But ... but ... but ... Bill Clinton ..."

You know, given the latest sordid, sexual GOP revelation, it might be appropriate to tell all those prissy, moralistic right-wing scolds that, regardless of what they think of Bill Clinton, he at least had the decency to have a consensual, heterosexual affair. With someone of legal age. Whose name he knew. In private.

Compared to modern-day Republicans, that almost passes for virtuous, doesn't it?


E in MD said...

Yeah but you're forgetting the golden rule.

It's golden as long as a Republican does it.

Bill Clinton wasn't a Republican... therefore anything he did, does or will do is automatically evil and an abomination in the eyes of god.

Miss Cellania said...

It wouldn't even matter whether it was heterosexual if they weren't so hypocritical about it.

calugg said...

Ah, Bill Clinton in verging on Sainthood (for a Baptist!), compared to those twisted, hypocritical wing-nuts.

thwap said...

I hear Clinton fucked the mayor of a small town in BC while she was wearing nothing but her chain of office.

This was in the oval office.

Dirk Buchholz said...

schadenfreude aside.that fact the police even stale out bathrooms and arrest people for possible lewd thoughts is just absurd,

Anonymous said...

Yes, and that's a separate issue. The cop shouldn't have been looking, and shouldn't have arrested him in the first place.

Just as Larry Craig shouldn't have been such a damn hypocrite, using his venial self-serving (and undoubtedly self-enriching) hypocrisy to destroy the lives of people JUST LIKE HIM.

Anonymous said...

When I watch Craig's insistent "I am not gay. I have never been gay" news bite, I suddenly have this Clintonesque voice in my head: "Ah did not have sexshal intentions...to that p'lice officer..."