Wednesday, August 29, 2007

None dare call it "blackmail."

I realize I'm belabouring the obvious but, when the current federal government tells Canadians, blatantly and to their faces, that they'll get better service if they have a CPoC "liaison" or "go-to person," how exactly does that differ from political extortion?

The new motto of the Conservative Party of Canada: "Nice riding you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it."


Pale said...


An offer you cant refuse....

That guy said...

Yeah, it's pretty much the Tories saying, "Hi there; corruption is our policy."

Mike said...

Damn straight CC...I hope this nonsense explodes and brings those sanctimonious pricks down....

JJ said...

Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.

Anonymous said...

Remember how right-wing types gnashed their teeth in the old days, when Trudeau told them they'd finally get a say in the way government ran, if they'd just elect some Liberals in the west??

Can you imagine what their reactions would have been if he'd actually appointed Liberal "liaisons" in every federal Conservative riding in western Canada??