Wednesday, August 22, 2007

And the SPP story is getting some airplay ...

The Vanity Press' Chester is making sure people south of the border know what's happening up here.

P.S. To show Chet our gratitude, we can all post rock-n-roll YouTube clips of his favourite bands. I hear he's partial to Styx, Journey and REO Speedwagon. But you didn't hear that from me.

IT KEEPS GOING AND GOING AND GOING ... Now Democratic Underground is all over this story like Steve Janke on a dead Oriental.


¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

Awesome. More, more!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this, CC! I'm already sending all the links about this to my American friends. ESPECIALLY the bloggers. :-)

(And some of them are pals with both Atrios and TBogg. Hopefully if those guys haven't posted about this yet, they willnow!)

Ti-Guy said... Steve Janke on a dead Oriental.


Red Tory said...

Speaking of which, nothing but the chirping of crickets over at the Boy Detective's place. Funny that.

Nice turn of phrase, btw. Sweet.

That guy said...

I hear he's partial to Styx, Journey and REO Speedwagon.

You are an evil, evil man. ;-)