Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Angry, Angry ... um, hang on.

Hey, kids ... y'all remember how totally berserk went the Wingnut-o-sphere over my intemperate blog posting back here? Of course you do. Heck, some day I may even go back and collect some of the choicer threats and promises of physical violence, that sort of thing.

But if a single blog posting addressing a single person could generate that kind of sputtering fury, one can only guess how that same Wingnut-o-sphere will respond to the vile hatred promoted here: "Thank God for Minneapolis Bridge Collapse."

Yessir, one can only imagine the Blogging Tory outrage. Or not.

(Wag of the tail to the folks at Think Progress.)


E in MD said...


In their defense ( eww... now I feel dirty ), railing at Fred Phelps and crew is a bit like yelling at a big stone sculpture of a turd.

You're not going to convince the turd not to continue to be a turd. In fact you're only going to yell yourself hoarse, waste a whole lot of precious oxygen and give the turd precisely what it so desperately wants: attention

Fred Phelps is a hate machine. It's his bread and butter. His coffee. When he bleeds, he bleeds contempt for mankind. Or at least anyone outside his group.

I've had to come to the defense of this stone turd on more than one forum because I support freedom of expression. This man and his group disgusts me but if I take away his right to spew his hatred I've also gotta take away my own and I can't do that.

Unfortunately, what the guy wants is for his tiny little cult family is pretty much the same as what everybody wants - to be relevant. For someone to give a damn that he exists. His way of doing it appears to be to do a 180 from the common teachings of Jesus Christ and claim that god universally hates everyone ( except him of course ).

He's a spectacle. An extreme right wing Howard Stern put in place to make people like Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter feel more mainstream. It's doubtful that hear the slightest peep from your blogging torries, for the same reason. They look at Fred and say "At least I'm not that bad"

The Seer said...

CC — pahleeze!

You are not one of those Gop Family Values Guys; nor are you a Blogging Tory. You don't get free passes.

Look at it this way: When you manage a large enterprise, you don't worry about the average stuff. You organize your reporting so yo hear about the extremes. That's where the opportunities and the problems are.

When someone like you lays an egg — that's not the run of the mill.

It's a price you pay.

Pharmadaddy said...

I do not know how us normal Christians that actually practice Christ's message of love and tolerance can compete with the image these people portray to society. No wonder people think religion is evil. Good grief.