Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Looks like the screaming fetus-fetishists are going to have to come up with some new anti-choice talking points. Via ThinkProgress:

Report: Abortion is not a threat to women’s mental health.
A new two-year study by the American Psychological Association (APA) finds that women “who choose to abort an unwanted pregnancy may experience feelings of grief and loss, but there is no evidence that a single abortion causes significant mental health problems.” From the APA’s press release:

“The best scientific evidence published indicates that among adult women who have an unplanned pregnancy, the relative risk of mental health problems is no greater if they have a single elective first-trimester abortion or deliver that pregnancy,” said Brenda Major, PhD, chair of the task force. “The evidence regarding the relative mental health risks associated with multiple abortions is more uncertain.”

Now why do I get the strangest feeling that this will be deemed completely irrelevant by SUZANNE and the rest of her side of the aisle? Oh yeah ... because everyone knows that facts have a decidedly "liberal" bias.


Balbulican said...

Simple. They'll simply switch back the discredited studies linking breast cancer and abortion for two months, before moving back to the discredited mental health hypothesis.

It's called "rotation".

Red Tory said...

Yeah, but she has anecdotal "evidence" on her side. So who are you going to trust? Come one, these folks believe in Thor, err, I mean, Jesus.