If you know, by interesting, I mean incredibly fucking creepy.

You read that right, boys and girls — Stephen Taylor’s co-admin Craig Smith thinks promoting eugenics via a points system, which he oh-so-helpfully lays out along with suggested financial bonuses, is just what society needs.
You only wish I was kidding.
Sez Craig:
I'm simply suggesting that we identify the very best, brightest, strongest, and most beautiful and offer them incentives to have many children.
Regardless of his satirical intent, and it is terrible satire... no further comment necessary.
I'm sorry ... a Blogging Tory is suggesting that stupid, ugly people shouldn't be allowed to breed?
Am I reading that correctly?
He's suggesting that they shouldn't be given an incentive to breed.
But OTOH, looking over the BT rolls how many of them have actually spawned? Mercifully, not many.
Dammit, LuLu, how am I supposed to get any work done around here when you come up with gems like this?
All due attribution.
You know, it may not be such a bad idea - it would certainly cull all Harper followers and the complete Blogging Tories roster...
(yes, it's an implicitly stupid idea)
If such a scheme had been around before Taylor and any of his witless, anti-Canada, knuckle dragging, mouthbreathing, proto-fascist, war humping, bible thumping, hate the gays/atheists/uppity women/non-whites" minions were born then I'd bet you dollars to donuts that the government, in a rare display of foresight and wisdom, would've paid their parents NOT to have kids before any one of them even entertained a barest whim of a notion about it.
It's just a rhetorical trap. The other shoe drops when the question is asked: If you are against this, how can be be for abortion? Because abortion is culling the population just as surely as this points system is...
Recall Stephane Dion demanding Harper clarify his views on abortion, so naturally the BTs will start this kind of evasive maneuvers.
Seems Harper, while he has no time to debate the green shift, has time to demand private meetings with all the opposition leaders to try and decide if he can call an election and blame them.
Wasn't craig's avatar enough of a hint?
Are you sure this is satire?
I, like any sane person, would like to believe it was, Red ... but I have serious doubts.
No way this was satire. No way at all.
Want to see an odd coincidence?
My ideal eugenics solution is simple: first, encourage the best to breed by allowing them to make a decent living doing what interests them, instead of putting them into boring corporate jobs. Second, sterilize the people who have entered the legal system for a history of violent, parasitic, pedophiliac, perverse and other extreme crimes. Finally, take those whose reproduction is not desired and tell them this: we will not force you to not breed, but we will also not make social services or other collective resources available to your offspring. So if you do breed, it is going to fall 100% on your shoulders. That will make enough reconsider.
Optimally, a society will at some point design its future along these lines: we want people of 120 IQ points or higher who have noble characteristics in their outlook, inherently positive behavior, and are free from biological defects and tendencies toward disease. Once we set that up, we can clearly see who is likely to breed such people, and give them rewards like state subsidies, and who is not likely to breed such people, and remove from their certain services and resources made available by socialized cost from the wealth of the rest of the population.
They think Canada is a second rate country. Not surprising if the think Canadians are second rate people.
Note that "noble characteristics in their outlook, inherently positive behavior" is code for voting CPC.
Dawg, as I just commented at your place - I don't believe all that much in coincidences.
But it has to be two different people, right? How strange, though. Same name, same position, in places almost word-for-word, on eugenics.
'Libertarian National Socialist Green Party' aka 'The Schizophrenic Skinheads'
I won't link to their official web presence.
Dawg, there appears to be some controversy whether or not the LNSGP is a put-on... but, so far as the same name and position... again, I don't believe all that much in coincidences.
Craig Smith of BT has a master's degree in environmental studies.
I don't like coincidences either, but Craig Smith of BT (our old friend "ferrethouse")ran for the Family Coalition Party in the 2003 Ontario election, in London North Centre. Seems a long way from Texas.
Of course, everything is contiguous in cyberspace.
Being identified as from 'Texas, USA' could all be part of the LNSGP 'esocteric put-on'.
The FCP creeps me out.
Still not convinced that I should believe more in coincidences than I do.
Why the surprise.... would it be the first time in history that authoritarians sought to build a better race?
I think the surprise has more to do with how closely Smith is associated with Taylor and the BTs.
he left monochromacy (easily a 10% deduction) off the list, the pussy.
OK--is it the same Craig Smith or not? I must admit, I'm tempted to poke around a little further.
Why not just ask him? Don't make this any more work than it has to be.
Done. Not that he's likely to admit it, if true.
.... and you don't think that the Tories, blogging or otherwise, are authoritarians?
Of course I do, Stageleft. No that they'll admit it.
Holy fuck.
Sorry, I'm speechless.
So they really are Nazis.
It's just a rhetorical trap. The other shoe drops when the question is asked: If you are against this, how can be be for abortion? Because abortion is culling the population just as surely as this points system is...
Well then its a piss poor trap. Perhaps Smith thinks he's being smart but there is a world of difference between a government mandated program of central control for population manipulation and individual women exercising individual control over their own bodies. Its a fundamental difference between authoritarian and non-authoritarians.
It also fits in nicely into "demographic winter" myth these guys have been supporting - the underlying subtext of why they oppose abortion - to ensure enough white babies are born to hold off the brown-Muslim hordes.
No its not a trap, its Smith laying it out loud and clear. Save the "the nation" by putting into place a program like this and outlawing abortion (hence the pic).
Yes, that makes him a Nazi.
I await his blustery response about how he was "only joking" or "it was satire" or - a favourite of racists scum - "I'm a polemicist".
Good fucking Christ!
It's no secret that Smith would prefer that Canada be a Christian theocracy.
Yeah, Mike. The whole 'demographic winter' myth certainly figures in this.
Are they serious about this? No seriously, I have read the thread, no one is really outraged by this over there.
Is Craig this freaking stupid? Well that's -100 points for him, and I'd dock an extra 50 points for "Teh Stupid" of even posting this on an open forum that is linked to the CPC prior to a possible up coming election.
Looks like the rhetorical trap has been set, however clumsily, over at stageleft's place.
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