Thursday, July 14, 2022

Jesus Christ, the burning stupid.

How do people this brain-damaged even function in society?

Yes, Thomas ... bouncy castles ... it was all about bouncy castles and nothing else.




Anonymous said...

What's noteworthy about the Rebel's Twitter coverage of this court action, and of Pat King's bail hearing today, was that both were illegal, as the proceedings were under a publication ban.
Sheila began her "coverage" of the Tamara Lich hearing in her usual court reporter style - a couple of dozen tweets consisting of mocking dismissals of Crown statements alternating with weepy little pellets of praise for this "tiny, well-dressed Métis grandmother". The coverage stopped abruptly, and all the tweets were deleted without explanation. Same thing happened with their Pat King coverage.

Anonymous said...

A bail review held over for over 10 days? She must be having trouble coming up with a workable release plan. And it's no "minor breach" of bail conditions when the media snap you at a public event hugging a guy you agreed to stay away from. She'll be lucky if the Crown doesn't go after her husband for the bail money.

Purple library guy said...

On the illegal coverage matter, in Rebel's defence I guess they, too, don't consider themselves a genuine media outlet, and so it didn't occur to them that the publication ban had anything to do with them . . .

Anonymous said...

Seeing as how the publication ban came at Lich's request, I bet SGR deleted her "live coverage" after a hard rap across the knuckles from Lich's lawyer. SGR's crap doesn't make defence counsel's negotiations with the Crown any easier.