Saturday, November 13, 2021

Rebel News/Democracy Fund grift goes into full hyperdrive.

A recent comment that so totally deserves upgrading to its own post (with just a smidge of editing):

Interesting new developments in Rebel country. One of their favourite COVID martyrs has been Dr. Julie Ponesse, an "ethics professor" and PPC shill placed on paid leave for refusing to get vaccinated. It appears Dr. Ponesse has now joined the "Democracy Fund" as their resident "Pandemic Ethics Scholar".

In fact, the "Democracy Fund" is in full recruiting mode. They're looking for a whole squad of lawyers to manage litigations launched under Rebel-promoted projects like "Fight the Fines" and "Fight Vaccine Passports". These folks will be paid, in part, to "appear with media partners to explain legal issues to Canadians", so it seems that the Democracy Fund will be funneling money not only to Ezra's "interns" on the content and production sides, but now to their guests as well.

What a marvelously self-contained little money machine.
And there's even more to it than that, but give me a day or two.

HILARIOUSLY, Ezra is still promoting a "Faith and Democracy" evening with a guest star who he fails to reveal now works with him:

Incest, thy name is "Rebel News."


Anonymous said...

I note that on the "Democracy Fund" site they're now promoting this event. One really does wonder how CRA allows a not-for-profit, "charitable" organization hanto pay for, AND advertise, an event aimed specifically at promoting criminal resistance to federal, provincial and territorial Public Health laws and regulations.

MgS said...

@Anonymous at 1:05PM:

The CRA is primarily interested in a variety of things, but it's rare for them to intervene directly in an organization's activities.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of a round of audits during the last term of the Harper government that resulted in challenges to the charitable status of a whole range of organizations, ranging from the politically active to the utterly innocuous.