Saturday, November 20, 2021


Right-wingers: "Those protesters in Kenosha were violent and engaged in significant property damage ... they deserved to be killed by Kyle Rittenhouse!"

Also right-wingers: "Trump supporter and Jan. 6 Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt was a violent protester engaged in significant property damage ... it's outrageous that she was killed!"


Anonymous said...

Sheila at the Rebel is now proclaiming that the Rittenouse decision means exactly that: that the jury decided the victims "had it coming".
Can she truly be so stupid, with so little understanding of the fundamental nature of law, that she actually believes that? Or is it just more cynical rage baiting?

CC said...

Rage baiting. Sheila knows *exactly* who pays the bills, and that's the demographic she panders to -- white nationalist, poorly-educated, racist trailer trash. Sheila has no principles to speak of -- she will espouse whatever opinion gets her a paycheque.

MgS said...

@Anonymous: I suspect SGR's understanding of law is only marginally better than Patrick "Outlaw Debtor" Ross has achieved after a decade and change of losing horribly in the courts.