Saturday, November 20, 2021

Rebel News: Full of shit again.

There's this:

and then there's this:

I'm sure Ezra will be publishing a retraction and apology any day now.

Yessir, any day now ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remembers those TV doctors from the 60s? Avuncular, white coated, grey haired (but never bearded), bespectacled, solemn but twinkling. Usually wearing either a speculum or a stethoscope. Always posed in a "lab" with graphs and charts in the background. The ones who assured a generation that "nine out of ten doctors recommend prefer Luckies because of their freshness", or "Chesterfields, because their mildness soothes the lungs and throat", or "Camels, for their full, healthy flavour".

Imagine if suddenly those doctors rented an office, printed their own medical certificates, and began to demand Operating Room Access Privileges at hospitals around town.

That's what I think of every time I hear a Rebel cosplay reporter whine about being denied credentials.