Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Senator Twatwaffle: Profile in cowardice.

If you needed to think even less of worthless, talentless, racist mound of human garbage Senator Denise Batters, well, there's this:

It takes a special kind of gutlessness to snipe at your party leader from the safety of a guaranteed seat at the Senate trough until age 75, knowing there's fuck-all anyone can do to get rid of your white nationalist ass short of your murdering someone on Parliament Hill in full view of a busload of nuns or something.

If Batters had any decency, she'd resign her Senate seat and run for election somewhere, but we both know that's not going to happen since, once a pig at the trough, always a pig at the trough.

No offense to actual pigs.


Ramirezplayer said...

Yeah, removing her from the caucus does sweet fuck all. Batters is another example of Harper's poor judgment

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming all this is a preamble to Polievre's Harper-backed leadership bid?

Ramirezplayer said...

O'Toole is quivering in that ball gag waiting for his next flogging from PP.