Sunday, November 28, 2021

Ezra Levant is having a very bad year.

Having lost two anti-SLAPP motions this year, Eazy E now finds himself on the beatdown end of yet another defamation action:

Add to that last year's undisclosed settlement with CJPME, and it's not unreasonable to imagine that Ezra's/Rebel's total legal bill/costs in the last two years alone could be well upwards of a cool million given that, on top of this recent $60K in damages, Ezra how has to cover his own legal fees, and assuredly will be whacked with significant cost awards towards Chak's costs as well.

I'm sure none of this will be covered by Rebel News' relentless "Fight the Fines" campaign, as that would be tacky.


RogueNerdOne said...

Couldn't happen to a bigger prick on the planet, and I hope there's more and more coming.

All these people that are donating to him should wake up and realize the grift they've created with crowdfunding.

I think I'm up to 41 campaigns that were never completed yet were fully funded, or were full funded and was a shell of what was promised.

Anonymous said...

So what's to stop Ezra from taking all that "Fight the Fines" money and using it to pay off his legal fees? All his fundraisers have fine print to say that he can use that money to pay for anything else he wants, so is there anything illegal about taking it for his personal benefit?

CC said...

Anon asks: "is there anything illegal about [Ezra] taking [Fight the Fines donations] for his personal benefit?"

Given Ezra's obsession with fine print and disclaimers, I doubt it. Early on, Ezra made it clear that, no matter how much money was donated to "Fight the Fines," he reserved the right to represent absolutely no one.

I doubt very much that any donors have any say in how Ezra is entitled to spend that money, or have any grounds to complain about it.

MgS said...

Ezra built his entire business model around the same set of suppositions that the CPC/Reform party has been using for years: separating the rubes from their money by alternately scaring or enraging them. The money thus extracted is then funnelled anywhere but where the rube who donated it thinks it is going - and there's SFA they can do about it.