Monday, November 29, 2021

Chronicles of Twatrick: "Dumbass" edition.

Even as Lloydminster's Patrick "Super Duper Kick Ass Quintuple Threat Kid Cash Thunderbolt Outlaw Debtor Street Fighting Man" Ross expends massive effort to refuse to accept legal service of a Statement of Defense from Peter "Rogue Nerd One" Skinner, he sabotages his own strategy by (you guessed it) openly admitting that he checks his e-mail regularly for exactly such things.

Here's Twatrick openly admitting that he monitors his inbox on a regular basis, and claims that "one of the defendants" hasn't filed their SoD, clearly conceding that the other defendant -- Skinner -- in fact has filed one:

Uh ... claiming that you are unaware that someone is trying to serve you via e-mail with a Statement of Defense while simultaneously admitting that you check your e-mail on a regular basis specifically looking for a Statement of Defense represents a level of stupidity unknown to mere mortals, but seems right on par for Patrick Ross.

I'm sure the judge will be suitably impressed. Or enraged. One or the other.


MgS said...

Perhaps I am misunderstanding something here, but if you decide to sue an anonymous party, doesn't it fall to you to find out _who_ that third party actually is?

(Eg. You can't simply file suit and demand that they reveal themselves)

CC said...

Ah, MgS, you are finally appreciating the delightful combination of Patrick's spectacular confidence versus his depressing ignorance.

RogueNerdOne said...

You're forgetting that he added my company to the suit simply because I made the statement, and I happen to own Edmonton Tek.

My business didn't do anything untoward him. Zero. So he sued me, my business which did nothing wrong, and an anonymous person who he feels is duty bound to reveal themselves and negotiate a settlement.

It is 100% on him to prove who owns the RoD account. You have to remember this is the man who impersonated Greg Burton so well, he boasted online how effective he was.

He's also the guy who was shitting on people for accepting cerb, crb, and other supports over COVID while likely using those same benefits himself. The man doesn't know what's the truth and what isn't. I've been in regular contact with a guy who went to university with Patrick and he tells me Patrick once denied something profusely only to admit he did it 15 minutes later because someone said the culprit would be a 'legend' in their eyes.

The same person laughed at Patrick's claim his life could ever be worth 1 million dollars. As long as he's known Patrick, Patrick's always had his hand out for something from anyone who'd provide it.

Patrick also used to talk shit about how the professors were always wrong after grading his papers poorly. When others used to try and explain why Patrick was wrong, he'd of course lash out and start calling them childish names. Sound familiar?

For all I know, this person could be Patrick himself trying to string me along, hoping I say something horrible. I don't care anymore. From what I can see from this person's social media, he did in fact go to school with Patrick and has pictures with Patrick in them. Based on what he's said and knowing Patrick's behavior, it's damn spot on.

Patrick will wait until the last possible second to pick up my Statement of Defense, or won't pick it up at all. I predicted this would happen from the very start as many can attest to. In fact, I'm prepared for pretty much anything. I have 8 different motions at the ready based on his next move, and what outcome I decide to chase.

Patrick dodged a motion to dismiss 5 years ago while I was defending his last attempt at this bullshit kicked based on his bankruptcy status and lack of a trustee attached. That's why he pulled the action; not his "new career" he says allowed him to move on.

Like I said, he lies constantly.