Thursday, November 04, 2021

Chronicles of Twatrick: "Evidence the court did not hear" edition.

For the longest time, I tried to take the high road, and act like a grown-up, and let my lawyers deal with the worthless, reprehensible, malicious, defamatory lump of human trash that is Lloydminster's Patrick Ross but, given how Patrick has, over the years, continued to accuse me of fraud and perjury, and of disobeying a direct order from the court, I finally gave up on that idea and have decided that I am simply going to pile on and humiliate him in every way imaginable, even as I take every single thing he owns and will ever own from him for the rest of his valueless and monumentally forgettable life.

How's that for an opening sentence? To that end, I will now humiliate him even further, so make yourself comfortable.

First, recall how Patrick -- despite his online persona of a street-fighting, ass-kicking tough guy, turned into a pathetic, whimpering crybaby in court back in March of 2012.

Next, review the meaning of my default judgment against Patrick; in particular, how Patrick's only possibility of salvaging that situation was to file as expeditiously as possible to overturn (that is, have the court set aside) that judgment, which he failed to do which means that, at that point, he was well and truly fucked and it was over.

Are you with me so far? Because here comes the additional humiliation.

Astonishingly, on the very day back in March of 2012 when Patrick was getting humiliated in court in Calgary, he posted this pathetic, self-serving rubbish on his blog. You can go read it ... take your time, we'll still be here when you get back.

Dum de dum dum ...

And in the midst of all that whiny, "woe is me" crapfest, I will draw your attention to the following, since I'm not sure you appreciate just how indescribably stupid it is:

First, appreciate the thigh-sucking stupidity of the sentence, "There's no default judgment in the world that can convince me otherwise." Um ... and? Apparently, Patrick thinks that the purpose of my default judgment is to convince him of the error of his ways. No, the purpose of my default judgment is to allow me to collect $85,000 plus accruing interest from Patrick; I really don't give a fuck whether he is persuaded one way or the other. That Patrick thinks this is about changing his mind about anything shows how little he understands the purpose of the legal system. But, as with all things Patrick, it just gets stupider:

The plaintiff has had numerous opportunities to try to convince me, and he's failed.

Again, why would I give a shit about convincing Patrick? I convinced the judge, which is all I care about. And I got my judgment. And now Patrick owes me $110,000. But, again, it gets stupider, as Patrick clearly thinks that a "default" judgment is somehow not a real judgment: "Remember this is a default judgment." Why, yes, Patrick ... yes, it is, and it has the same force as any other kind of judgment that has been levied against you. And then things descend into total absurdity:

And there is evidence the Ontario court did not hear. Juicy evidence. Comments from the plaintiff actually admitting to planning the crime alleged, exactly as I alleged it.

Wow ... Patrick has all this evidence ... "juicy" evidence ... that the court didn't hear. I wonder why that is, oh, right, it's because Patrick was so arrogant that he decided not to defend. But no worries, Patrick's got all this juicy evidence, to which I can respond -- that and $110,000 will get you your life back.

And other than just dumping another crapload of humiliation on Patrick's head, the other purpose of this post is to remind you that, every time Patrick starts going on and on and tediously on about how he understands the law and, boy, you're in trouble once he gets his mens rea res judicata post-judgment on, it's worth remembering that he is a fucking imbecile that, even after a decade of representing himself, still has not the foggiest idea of how the law actually works.

Try to keep that in mind.

BONUS TRACK: If you have loads of time, you can read the long form of the history of Patrick Ross starting here. Seriously, don't start until you've turned off your phone and mixed yourself a martini. You've been warned.

EXPLORING THOSE LEGAL OPTIONS: Hilariously, almost a year and a half after Patrick learned of my default judgment against him, he insists he is going to explore "legal options":

As I believe I have already explained at length, once I received my default judgment against Patrick, the only legal option open to him was to file to overturn it, which requires some pretty compelling argument to convince the court:

And given that Patrick was pondering this almost a year and a half after admitting openly that he knew of the judgment, I can assure you, he had zero chance of making that happen. But, hey, Patrick knows the law.

Just ask him.


Anonymous said...

I read the comments section at that blog post of Patrick's, and it's funny as hell how some of those people blame you for Patrick's mental health issues. And even after they tell Patrick to just let it go, he insists he will never let it go. So what was the point of all that? Patrick claims he's suicidal to get all that sympathy, then turns around and assures everyone he will keep doing the very thing that is causing it. That whole group of people are just retards. They deserve each other.

Anonymous said...

Has Patrick ever won a single action against you?

CC said...


Anonymous said...

a)Because of my own choices and actions, I'm a penniless, marginally employed bankrupt without property, prospects, a home of my own, a relationship, a reputation, a failure in pretty much every area of human endeavor with no likelihood of change.
b) I'm really depressed about that.

Yeah, there's a certain logic there.

MgS said...

Normally, people mature as they age and develop a sense of perspective on past actions ... and then there's Patrick. Reading a decade-old blog post that sounds exactly as petulant and immature as what we see on his other social media feeds today is a sad statement that he has stalled.

It's sad / pathetic in some respects, but I've seen it with other bullies and wannabe types that I've encountered. They peaked at about age 13 and kind of stopped growing. You can meet those same people a decade or two later, and find that little or nothing has actually changed.

Rev.Paperboy said...

have you turned him over to a collection agency yet?

CC said...

Rev: My SK lawyers have already filed a collections action with the Saskatchewan sheriffs, who have the power of law to do all sorts of seizure stuff with bank accounts and such. I am told this will eventually result in large people with badges and guns showing up at Casa Twatrick to take shit. I'm guessing Patrick will be there with printouts, insisting that their collections order is a "nullity," and demanding they read something I blogged in 2007.

But that's just a guess.

Rev.Paperboy said...

video of his initial reaction would be priceless

Rev.Paperboy said...

video of his reaction to the sheriffs would be priceless