Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Sheila Gunn Reid: Canada's Queen of Grift.

Jesus Christ ... as we here at CC HQ have reported on previously, in order to fight a grand total of $3,000 in fines for clearly breaking the law, Rebel News is going to spend at least $100,000:

No, wait, that's at least $100,000 for each of three steps:

And here's Canada undisputed queen of the begging bowl, Sheila Gunn Reid, asking for another $50,000:

Give Gunn Reid credit ... all she needs is an empty chicken bucket and she's pretty much in her element:

BONUS TRACK: Perhaps the funniest total fiction constantly emanating from Gunn Reid and the talentless hacks at Der Rebel is that, while all this defense of freedomy libertitude costs money, they only do it because they love you all, and they're fighting for your rights:

This is, of course, total bullshit. In the above action, Ezra and the Ezrettes want hundreds of thousands of your dollars to defend an action that the average Canadian will never, ever, ever, ever, ever have to defend -- that of purchasing a billboard to send a political message.

While the average Albertan might have a number of gripes with rules and regulations, I do not see a tidal wave of yokels from Lethbridge and Red Deer complaining about the onerous restrictions related to renting a roadside billboard; this issue is exclusive to Ezra Levant, but it's always convenient to convince others that their rights are somehow tangled up in this nonsense.

When it comes to grift, a gullible and uneducated population is your greatest asset.

1 comment:

RossOwesDay said...

How much do you think Ezra pays SGR? I'll guess it's below $50k.