Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Counter Signal: Your go-to source for fake news.

Ex-Rebeler Keean "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" Bexte is outraged that no one else is talking about this:


Perhaps no one else is talking about it because it's pure bullshit:

Thanks for stopping by.


RogueNerdOne said...

As a Parent with a child who did in fact contract myocarditis and pericarditis from his Pfizer vaccine shot (second one) and is still recovering from it, I can tell you the numbers are nowhere near what that little racist baby of online merchandise says.

For 521 cases of this to happen in Ontario alone, more than 100 million vaccines would have had to be given just there alone.

We're in contact with Canada Health every week my son sees his cardiologist.

Anonymous said...

He also grotesquely, deliberately mangles the study's already flawed findings, presumably confident that his readership are as skilled at basic arithmetic as Patrick Ross is with the Law. He takes a five year death rate from myocarditis drawn from the entire population, including seniors, and then applies to males between 18 and 34 to "prove" that the risk vastly exceeds that of vaccination.
What a horrible little liar.

MgS said...

I very much doubt that he learned how to read a medical paper when he was in university, and running the "Incel and Neo Nazi Paraphernalia Shop" on the side.

Not that he cares - he was never there to learn anything in the first place.