Monday, November 01, 2021

Chronicles of Twatrick: "Time to get a lawyer" edition.

In the almost 11 years that I have been dealing with the pompous bloviating of Lloydminster's Patrick Ross, Patrick has -- with a single exception -- insisted on representing himself in every one of the legal proceedings related to all of this, invariably with disastrous consequences to himself.

After all that time, one would think that Patrick would have finally figured out at least the basics of how the law works and take that into account in his submissions. It would be incomprehensible that anyone could choose to represent themselves for over a decade and, in all that time, get no better at doing it, but that is exactly what has happened here.

As a single example of proof of that, I give you the judge's reaction to Patrick's most recent submission, in which he objected to the registration of my 2010 judgment in Saskatchewan, wherein the judge absolutely disembowels Patrick's idiocy:

It's just mind-numbing that someone could have interacted with the legal system for that long, and still be so unfamiliar with how it works.

Oh, well.

P.S. It's fascinating that Patrick has been completely inactive on his "OutlawTory" Twitter account since Oct 18, which I earlier explained as his strategy of being able to re-appear later, claiming that he's been busy or something, and just didn't have time to engage online, and this is the first he's seeing of all of this, and if only someone had told him, etc, etc, etc.

He's done this many times before, and that's what he's doing now. In case you were wondering.


RossOwesDay said...

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Seems quite applicable to Twatsy.

MgS said...

However, he has been active on other social media accounts, so he can't believably claim that he hasn't been anywhere near a computer, or that he hasn't checked in on that account.

He thinks he's clever, but that's like saying Jason Kenney is clever. Neither really are, and they're both just toxic people looking for control and attention.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious about what outcome he actually anticipates from all this evasion. He doesn't seem to have the talent, skills, or means to flee to another jurisdiction and start the process again; his delaying tactics have won a series of short term reprieves, but those doors now appear to be closed, and there is no conceivable possibility of any actual diminution of his debt and obligation. So seriously - what does he actually think is going to happen?