Thursday, November 25, 2021

Rebel News and The Democracy Fund: Shitting themselves over possible CRA violations.

Regular readers will appreciate that we here at CC HQ have published a number of pieces explaining that Rebel News and its fundraising arm, The Democracy Fund, appear to be playing games with Canada Revenue Agency regulations regarding TDF's registered mandate of funding "strategic litigation," even while representing more than 2,000 cases of simple lockdown-related fines -- something which in no known universe falls under the mantle of "strategic." You can read one of those pieces here, then pop back 'cuz there's more.

Well, it would appear that the unprincipled and disingenuous hacks at both of those orgs have been paying attention to your humble scribe's actual journalism, as they are going out of their way to slap the label "strategic" on every fucking thing in sight.

Witness, if you will, the recent obsession over at Der Rebel with the word "strategic":

If I didn't know better, I would assume that everyone involved in that grift is now realizing what sort of awkwardness they might someday have to explain to the CRA, and are frantically describing as "strategic" everything from run-of-the-mill fine fighting to expensing a new "strategic" espresso maker for the home office.

"Strategic." It's your word of the day.

P.S. It's amusing that Der Rebel's Sheila Gunn Reid still has not come to intellectual grips with the meaning of "strategic" litigation, as she shrieks hysterically about ...

No, Sheila, dear, you do not have "two dozen strategic legal cases"; you have, most likely, a couple dozen identical cases, which is not the way "strategic litigation" works.

Look it up.


Anonymous said...

While not the interpretation CRA has in mind, Sheila may be using the term in another and much nastier way. Rebel columnists and commenters, particularly early in the campaign, vowed to "jam up the courts" with as many trivial, pointless legal challenges as possible - a very Trumpian "we can't actually change anything but we can throw sand into the gears" form of social sabotage.

Amusingly, Sheila is not complaining furiously about the shortage of prosecutors and the failing legal system in Alberta, either lying about or oblivious to her own contribution to its collapse.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that should have been "Sheila is NOW complaining..."

CC said...

Anon: It's the same hypocritical bullshit you see when everyone at Rebel News, month after month, bad-mouths vaccines, discourages masks and encourages everyone to invent utterly bogus "mask exemptions," all of which inevitably leads to more spikes in the infection rate, which leads to more lockdowns, at which point those same idiotic yobs whine about the inconvenience of lockdowns and launch another fundraiser to fight vaccinations and masksand lockdowns, which leads to more infections, which ... you get the idea.

Rebel News is, quite literally, making a killing off of people getting sick. That's their business model: Suffering pays.