Monday, November 08, 2021


Right-wing anti-vaxxers: "There is no way we can trust those COVID-19 vaccines, given how quickly they were developed and approved. Hey, normal vaccines take years to invent, it's impossible to believe that any of these vaccines could have been properly analyzed and tested so quickly. You'd have to be an idiot to think they're safe, what with how fast they came out!"

Also right-wing anti-vaxxers: "It is a testament to the genius of President Donald Trump and his 'Operation Warp Speed' that we got vaccines that quickly. No one else could have done it, and we have him to thank for the speed with which these vaccines got to us!"

Have I made my point?

1 comment:

Purple library guy said...

And here I thought your contrast was going to be "Meanwhile, I know this stuff for treating parasites in horses, among other untested weirdness, must be fine because some grifter on the interwebs said so."