Thursday, November 11, 2021

The sleazy choreography of "Pastor Art."

Yes, I've posted this before, but if you want to see up close the slimy dishonesty of Rebel News and "Pastor Art" Pawlowski, you need to watch only the first 20 seconds of video here, where you can clearly see how Pawlowski has been carefully coached to behave in such a way as to generate the most compelling video possible for propaganda and fundraising.

Note how the officer first tells Pawlowski to put his hands behind his back; instead, knowing it makes for better video, Pawlowski puts them behind his head, even as the officer instructs him, "No, behind your back."

At that point, for full martyr effect, Pawloswki drops to his knees, whereupon the officer again tries to stop him, saying, "No, no ... stand up, stand up," which Pawlowski predictably refuses to do, once again because it makes for so much more of a sympathetic picture -- down-trodden man of God, forced to kneel on the airport tarmac (despite that he did that of his own free will and against the direct instructions of the arresting officer).

Fuck, these people are sleazebags.

1 comment:

MgS said...

Trust me, it was brutally obvious back when Pawlowski was first launching "Street Church" just how much of a grifter he really is. The only thing that's changed is in the last decade or so he's gotten so toxic politically that he almost seems normal.