Thursday, November 11, 2021

"Fight the Fines": Once again, I called it.

It's tough being right about everything all the time, but it's a burden I'm willing to shoulder, because I love you all.

Over at Ezra Levant's Rebel News boutique vanity blog and white nationalist bar and grill, they're creaming themselves over the latest minimally significant legal victory:


Gosh, that sounds impressive ... until you realize that, if this case had gone before a judge, and the family explained that this was a matter of urgency and could back it up with even just a smidgen of evidence, it's not unthinkable that the judge might have let them off, perhaps with a stern warning, but extenuating circumstances being what they are, is it beyond the realm of possibility that the family could have simply argued their own case and won?

In fact (and trying to seem humble), I suggested precisely this over two weeks ago on this very blog:

which leads one to suspect that, in order to pad their win column, the grifty hacks at Der Rebel are going out of their way to select cases that would be trivially easy to argue in court. "Ooooooh, look ... dying mom! We're totally doing that one!"

As more than one commenter at this forum has opined, the only "Fight the Fines" victories coming out of Rebel News seem to be based on depressingly minor and winnable cases that certainly did not look like they needed a $2,000/hour lawyer.

But, hey, whatever pads your stats, baby.


Anonymous said...

Couple arrives at border.
Minor procedural error results in ticket.
Crown agrees that fine shouldn't have been issued.
Fine dismissed.

And this is represented again as a triumph by the Rebel over the forces of Vaccine Fascism?

CC said...

Anon: As James Garner once said to Jack Elam in "Support Your Local Sheriff": "I think you've got the situation pegged, Jake."