Saturday, November 13, 2021

Chronicles of Twatrick: "Empty threats" edition.

Oh, my ...

I doubt there's much value in once again pointing out that you can't serve someone via Twitter (and let's not even get into Patrick's ineligibility to file an action due to his current status as an undischarged bankrupt without a trustee), but why don't we all relax and see how this plays out for Patrick "Boy Lawyer" Ross, whose decade-long string of losing every single action he has ever filed has apparently not dampened his enthusiasm for doing it again.

P.S. This would be the same Patrick Ross who, back in 2010, was reminded regularly for five months to file his Statement of Defense and failed to do so, which is why he now owes me $110,000 (and growing at around $500 per month).

So ... yeah, irony.

BY THE WAY, when Patrick insists he has not been served with a legal document, he is almost certainly lying, since he tried the same nonsense in court against me back in March of 2012 and, as you may recall, the judge made it clear she thought Patrick was full of shit:

Bottom line: If Patrick's lips are moving, he's lying.

I'm glad we had this little chat.

BONUS TRACK: For reasons I'm not getting into at the moment, I can say with some confidence that, once both Peter and I are done with Patrick, he will have been found to be a "vexatious litigant" and will be barred from initiating any other actions of any kind without permission of the court, which will definitely put a crimp in his obnoxious, self-litigating lifestyle.


RogueNerdOne said...

Which is more likely?

1. I pulled a "Ross" and didn't file anything in response to a lawsuit that shouldn't have been able to be filed in the first place, has no notice of libel served on me, by someone who's using the legal system as a form of harassment. I will explain more later.

2. I filed my response and while he's in Grande Prairie, he asked for documents to be served in Lloydminster and he simply didn't check his mail. Now he's jumping up and down screaming look at me while waving his hands for attention and everyone's forgotten him again. I have him muted so I don't see anything from him. He doesn't realize it, but I've forgotten he exists. This lawsuit is essentially over, but I have a feeling his are just starting.

I'll leave that up to you all.

MgS said...

I wonder if a vexatious litigant ruling could be made that requires Mr. Ross to retain competent counsel prior to approaching the courts.

Periwinkle Slime said...

Twatrick needs to be punished for violating bankruptcy rules, and attempting to weaponize the court system through pathetic, vexatious litigation.

I hope Peter gets enhanced costs after the courts are done with Twatrick, and Twatrick suffers additional penalties for his deplorable behaviour.