Friday, November 05, 2021

Chronicles of Twatrick: "Consequences of my bad faith" edition.

Here's another piece on Lloydminster's Patrick "Super Alpha Mullet Dude Kid Cash Thunderbolt MMA Cosplay Quintuple Fucking Threat" Ross, which ends with something else I've never mentioned about Patrick, so make sure you read all the way to the end.

At the moment, Patrick is once again arguing in bad faith online, and misrepresenting someone else's position. In this example, after Peter "Rogue Nerd One" Skinner openly invited Patrick to drop his idiotic million dollar defamation action against Peter, in exchange for which Peter offered to just eat his current costs and walk away, Patrick (predictably) misrepresented this more-than-generous offer as a "settlement offer." It wasn't, of course; it was more a "If you fuck off, I'll stop humiliating you" offer, but it's entirely Patrick's pattern to seize on anything he can misinterpret for the sake of claiming yet another victory.

Regular readers might recall that Patrick did the same with me once upon a time; one example I wrote about involved my blogging about a deranged anti-abortion senior citizen named Ed Snell, who went to the trouble of constructing a car-top platform from which he could see over the security fence of an abortion clinic and scream at frightened, pregnant women with a megaphone, until the day the boyfriend of one of those women belted him off the top of his car. Along with many others, I opined that I had little sympathy for that bellicose kind of anti-abortion activist, whereupon Patrick immediately published, "CC encourages physical assault of vulnerable elderly!!!"

That is Patrick's pattern -- to take a single incident, and distort it beyond recognition, and repeat it over and over and over and over in a cheap and dishonest campaign to smear someone. Anyone who's dealt with Patrick knows this is his M.O., which inspires the obvious question -- what's the motivation behind it? What does Patrick get out of it? Well, two possible answers come to mind.

First, with Patrick, it's a compulsive need to "win" any argument, but also to impress the bystanders. It's not even remotely a secret that Patrick thrives on attention, and dearly loves to think there are people out there impressed with his awesome rhetorical mad skillz, so Patrick's motivation is the adulation he thinks comes with denigrating and defaming people, even if it's totally contrived and dishonest. But there's another possible reason.

Patrick's obsession with describing Peter's "Fuck off and I'll stop humiliating you" invitation as a "settlement offer" suggests Patrick thinks there's some sort of legal value in claiming that Peter made the first offer to settle. It's clear that Patrick firmly believes that, if his meritless case goes to trial, it will be somehow to his advantage to insist that Peter made the initial offer to settle, perhaps describing that offer as an implicit admission of guilt, or something similar that will work to Patrick's advantage in court. And therein lies the irony.

You see, while Patrick's relentless demonstrations of bad faith might get him some adulation on social media, it does not translate well to the courtroom. In fact, in Patrick's case, I can assure you it backfired on him spectacularly in a way I will now mention for the first time anywhere.

As I mentioned, Patrick pulled the same shit with me over the years, including the instance above where Patrick mangled something I wrote in order to shriek, "CC thinks elderly Christian pro-lifers should be violently assaulted and have their skulls fractured from being thrown from the tops of their cars!!!". And I'm sure Patrick thought that it was hilariously entertaining to misrepresent numerous things I wrote in order to denigrate me and smear my reputation. And how exactly did that backfire on Patrick?

Because I collected all those smears and misinterpretations and misrepresentations, and I added them all to my 2010 defamation action against Patrick, as evidence of how Patrick deliberately and maliciously misrepresented things I wrote, and I can assure you that all of that bad faith publishing of Patrick's played a significant factor in my getting my judgment and in Patrick currently owing me $110,000 (and growing at 5 per cent per year).

In short, while Patrick's online dishonesty might be massively satisfying to him, and makes him feel like he's tarnishing other peoples' reputations with his relentless misrepresentation, there is some sort of karma in knowing that it is exactly that dishonest bullshit of Patrick's that put him where he is today -- in debt to me for $110,000.

So if Patrick wants to keep (inaccurately) insisting that Peter Skinner made an initial "settlement offer," and thinks he can take that into court with him and use it to his advantage, well, I can assure Patrick that the last time he thought his online dishonesty would translate to the courtroom did not end well for him.

Karma, baby. Karma.

AFTERSNARK: Lest you think I am exaggerating about Patrick's obsession with his egregious misrepresentations of what I wrote, here is a snippet from Patrick's 2021 affidavit objecting to my application to register my judgment in Saskatchewan:

The above would be Patrick, in the year 2021, arguing that I should not be allowed to register my judgment because, you see, back in 2007, I wrote a blog post about a guy on top of his car and ... oh, fuck it. I think I've made my point. (And you can see how Patrick carefully omitted the relevant parts of that story.)

Patrick gleefully lied about me years ago, and I collected those lies in an affidavit, and those lies are the reason he's an undischarged bankrupt without a trustee who owes me $110,000 and who is currently being sought by Saskatchewan sheriffs pursuant to a collection enforcement order.

So keep it up with that "Peter made a settlement offer" nonsense, Patrick ... I'm sure that will end just as well for you.

P.S. I am still in the market for the name of Patrick's employer out in the wilds of Grande Prairie, AB.


MgS said...

The more of the details of Patrick's behaviour that come out, his "career path plan" sounds increasingly like that of Jason Kenney:

Go to university, hoping to get noticed as a "great debater"

"Debate" by mostly spouting utter nonsense at every turn.

Become a politician spouting utter nonsense

Keep failing upwards

... unfortunately for Albertans (and Canadians, truth be told), Kenney actually became a politician. Patrick appears to have peaked somewhere before dropping out of university.

RossOwesDay said...

Future Lloydminster-Battlefords PPC candidate Patrick Ross.

And is the debt now $110K? We thought it was $120K, or is some of his debt cost awards to the courts, as opposed to you?

CC said...

ROD: I've kind of lost track, there are cost awards to me that go back several years, so it's somewhere in between.