The first time I ever read anything by Kathy Shaidle (somehow, I missed all the articles she'd ever written for The Star or The Catholic New Times, publications to which I had subscriptions), she called Antonia Zerbisias fat and low class and dissed what she was wearing. The first comment I ever came across her in a online discussion I was participating in, she called Antonia Zerbisias fat..
I'm just paying hommage to the fleshy little gastropod's own standards.
That shade of lipstick doesn't suit her. Shaidle is really much more of a "Spring."
Besides, doesn't La Coulter have a market on the overaged Goth look?
The first time I ever read anything by Kathy Shaidle (somehow, I missed all the articles she'd ever written for The Star or The Catholic New Times, publications to which I had subscriptions), she called Antonia Zerbisias fat and low class and dissed what she was wearing. The first comment I ever came across her in a online discussion I was participating in, she called Antonia Zerbisias fat..
I'm just paying hommage to the fleshy little gastropod's own standards.
heh. five feet of reach!
freud would've had a field day with her "five feet of" moniker. a blantantly self-destructive choice of words. the posibilites are infinite.
yer the gift that keeps on giving, clyde!
lol kevron
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