There are times when I truly believe that the average so-called “compassionate conservative” is, in fact, so lacking in simple human compassion that they bear a strong resemblance to your garden variety sociopath. Via ThinkProgress (emphasis added):
Yesterday, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) “reluctantly acknowledged” that he doesn’t believe waterboarding is torture. According to the Connecticut Post, Lieberman downplayed the severity of the waterboarding because it doesn’t inflict permanent physical damage:
In the worst case scenario — when there is an imminent threat of a nuclear attack on American soil — Lieberman said that the president should be able to certify the use of waterboarding on a detainee suspected of knowing vital details of the plot.
“You want to be able to use emergency tech to try to get the information out of that person,” Lieberman said. […]
“It is not like putting burning coals on people’s bodies. The person is in no real danger. The impact is psychological,” Lieberman said.
The next rightwing, neocon, war-humping torture apologist who says waterboarding is just okey-fucking-dokey in their tiny little minds should be immediately treated to their own personal demonstration of it … with them as the victim. I’m sure they’ll have a change of heart right after they’re finished screaming (or should I say gargling) and wetting their big boy pants.
It’s not too early to start drinking, is it? It’s noon somewhere in the world.
Isn't Joe Lieberman a Democrat?
I'm pretty sure he is even if he agrees with the Republicans on foreign affairs and defence policy than the DNC.
He sits in the Senate as an Independent since he was challenged for the Democratic nomination in a primary and lost, but went on to win the Senate seat anyway.
While Holy Joe may be listed as an "Independant Democrat" after losing the primary to Ned Lamont in 2006, he consistently votes with the Republicans. He's about as democratic as Darth Cheney.
Sanctimonious, immoral prick. I don't know how people can stand him.
It's going to take years to remove this irrational argument about "ticking time bomb" scenarios from the discussion of what are justifiable interrogation techniques.
First off, how many people do you have to water-board before you get one that has actionable intelligence to provide? Millions? Hundreds? One? No one knows.
Second, if there is a true "ticking time bomb" situation, no jury on Earth would convict someone for getting that information by applying extra-judicial interrogation techniques. How far they end up going might be a sickening thing, but there are a lot of sickening things happening in the World.
Third...the more you torture, the more terrorists you breed. That's a fact. If a family member of mine ever got tortured, no moral or legal code would ever stop me from seeking revenge. I don't think I would ever be able to get closure on that.
When this is all over, I hope we send people like Holy and the rest of the Rethuglicans to the Hague. Hey, at least we won't water-board them.
No Lieberman is what is referred to as a traitor. Not to his party. But to his nation.
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