Saturday, February 09, 2008


It's about faith!

And torturing animals.


Ti-Guy said...

Whatever happened to Christianity and the sin of gluttony?

Lots of sublimating there, I think.

Red Tory said...

They'd make a fine first family, wouldn't they? First to the buffet table, at least.

Prole said...

Is that Pappy O'Daniel?

Father Shaggy said...

How does one get three grown men to wear matching outfits without putting them on a sports team?

And how did the horrifying ugliness of this photo get past Huck's people? Can't they afford photoshop or something?

Sheena said...

Kinda makes me wish Mr. Blackwell did a political top ten list.

KEvron said...

vertical stripes versus the camera's extra ten pounds....


KEvron said...

"How does one get three grown men to wear matching outfits without putting them on a sports team?"

give them accordians?


KEvron said...

...."the aristocrats"!
