I'm guessing that Blogging Tory co-founder Stephen Taylor has no end of screeching whackjobs with which to pad the membership rolls of the BTs and this goober appears to be a recent addition (although maybe I just haven't been paying attention):
Victor Davis Hanson reminds us ...
Ah, yes ... that would be Victor Davis Leonidas Invictus Hanson, he of the steel trap intellect. Right ... that Vic Hanson. BS (Can I call you "BS"? Thanks ever so muchly.) goes on to quote Victor Davis Patton Spartacus Hanson thusly:
"With Hillary, Obama looks youthful and invigorating. But beside the scarred old veteran McCain, he will appear inexperienced and wet behind the ears."
Whoops, missed a bit there, Vic ... that would be "scarred old, senile, demented, flip-flopping, shrieking and poster boy for anger management classes veteran McCain." Oh, and "unprincipled." Let's not forget that one, too. And "deranged."
And for bonus wingnuttery at no extra charge, we have the Batshit Crazy-o-sphere's own Patsy Ross, who seeks to lecture us on ... stuff:
That being said, while Obama’s misunderstanding and miscommunication line may make for appealing foreign policy to various peaceniks, it won’t stand up against realism in the international community.
Yes, Patsy, because when it comes to "realism," we on the Left clearly need a stern talking-to, don't we?
You know what's coming ... oh, yes, you do:
You people have no idea how easy this job is, do you?
Yeah, because a pompous, solipsistic windbag who’s spent the last several years with his head up his rectum at the University of Alberta knows soooooo much about “realism.”
Seriously? Who even uses that word besides corpulent, mullet-sporting fuckwits with delusions of adequacy? Far. Out. Man.
Victor Davis "Old Man Smell" Hanson. The man who confuses classical studies with military history and gets away with it because the rubes who listen to him don't know the difference.
...and the less said about Patsy Ross, the better. The only tactical insight he's ever demonstrated was when he won a game of Stratego he played with his mom when he was 15.
Everytime I see John McCain on TV he reminds me of the evil politician in the movie "The Dead Zone", starring Christopher Walken. That would be the character Greg Stilson waving a baby in air in front of him as a human shield.
That has to be one of the best rants ever! It will be one of those classical "Hit them with a Clue-By-Four" retorts for years to come.
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