Thursday, August 02, 2007

What part of "it was freeped" don't you understand?

One more time, let's explain this sloooooooowly:

Duh! A bunch of people with too much time on their hands stuffed the ballot box (as it were), and are now bragging about it as if the results meant something. But they don't. And The Beaver really needs to catch up with how things work out here on the internets if it doesn't want to get fooled again.

So, are we good here? Do we all understand this now? Seriously, do we all now appreciate the utter worthlessness and irrelevance of ... oh, shit:

Recently, a small Canadian Natural History publication from the west, called Beaver, published the results of an online survey it ran. The survey asked who was the worst Canadian. The person who topped that list was none other than Pierre Elliot Trudeau.

Somewhere, a village is missing its idiot.


Ti-Guy said...

Dear Diary,

Today I encountered a Blogging Tory who doesn't understand scientifically-credible methods for making real-world observations.

I am now shocked and despondent.

E in MD said...

But.. but ... but! It was a victory for conservatives!

Was amuses me most is that they're bragging about skewing the results. Ah yes, they talk about how 'liberals can't compete in the marketplace of ideas', but they need to rig polls in order to get their message out.

Mike said...

SUZANNE is over at stageleft bragging how proud she is about this and still not understanding how this means nothing, except that so-cons are immature slack-jawed morons.

Ti-Guy said...

It's the only place that still tolerates her.