Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Well, la-de-freakin-da.

Apparently, Chester of The Vanity Press is movin' on up to the East Side, at least temporarily to a classier set of digs. But don't worry; he assures me that he won't forget all the little people who helped him along the way. You know ... that one lady, and ... and ... what's-his-name.


That guy said...

No autographs, please!

Ti-Guy said...

Well done, chet.

I hope it has repercussions, but I don't hold out much hope for American progressives, besieged as they are with domestic reactionaries, to find any energy to address what are issues of other people's sovereignty or, with Democrats, issues that vaguely seem to contradict free market principles. As for objecting to the government doing things it is not mandated to do...well, I'm pretty sure American progressives are almost completely desensitised to that fundamental abuse of democracy.

In the end, though...I believe Canadians are going to be on our own when it comes to halting this fundamentally anti-democratic abuse of power.